Wednesday, 16 May 2007

My Flap

I ripped my flap off ... ... well that sounds bad doesn't it?

What actually happened is this. Last week I was making a loverly dinner (of course) and whilst I was being mega careful with the very new and very very sharp knives that we had just bought I neglected to worry about the new vegetable peeler that we bought. Bah, veggie peeler what can it do to me BESIDES PEEL THROUGH AN INCH THICK LAYER OF SKIN ON MY FRIGGIN THUMB ! I did the obligatory pain dance in the kitchen whilst looking for a band aid.

Ok so I dealt with that, and so then I had this massive flap of skin on the side of my thumb, that would constantly flap back and forth causing the gaping wound to bleed profusely whenever I forgot to put a band aid on it noice, I even managed to shove my flap into the G-man's face only to have him reel away in disgust.

Anyway, the other night we went into the supermarket to get a few things (alcohol & frozen pizza) the G-man and I went to grab the same bag of half price doughnuts off the shelve and his talon of a fingernail lodged into my thumb and proceeded to rip off the flap of skin with such force that I froze in white pain then said at the top of my lungs:

"You ripped my flap off spazztard, now look at the blood everywhere, my flap look at it !!"

There was total silence, the woman next to us dropped her eggs and in another aisle somewhere a young child started to cry. We went up to the checkout, paid for our stuff and walked out of the shop I was still muttering "you ripped my flap of man, look at it" to which the G-man replied "will you shut up about your bloody flap, it's not like I cut your thumb off now lets hurry up and get the hell outta here"


redcap said...

But he he he - spaztard. He he he. I love t' G-man.

phishez said...

ROFL! That was brilliant. I especially loved the child crying another isle over. Nice touch there.

redcap said...

I should point out that I'm still laughing about this. Three days later.

Steph said...

Oh SHITE! That made me cross my legs in sympathy...I dunno why, maybe it was all the flap talk.

Go and get a stitch or somethin'!

Sakura said...

My thumb is on the road to recovery, but you know what, the G-man and I still get funny looks by the check out chicks - don't know why??