Thursday 24 May 2007

I Am The Stripping Queen !

Yep it is official, I am now the Stripping Queen

Wallpaper stripping right enough !

For the past 3 days I have been stood in the lounge room with a big fuck off steamer, a scraper and my pussy watching me from the cat tree stripping wallpaper. Does life get any better than this? Surely not, it can't because I think I would faint from the dizzying excitement.

I challenge, CHALLENGE anyone to tell me that wallpaper is a good idea, it is a bitch to put on and it is a fucker to take off, especially if the lazy bastards who owned the place before you couldn't be arsed taking it off and just painted over it ! ARSEHOLES.

However, there is a plus side to this. It gives me ample time to:

1.Sing loudly to myself over the 'pfffffffffffffssssssssssshhhhhhhhhfffffffft' of the steamer - song of choice right now - 'Beyoncee Beyonceeee, Shakira Shakira' Ok people we get what their names are for fuck's sake. (This is all done while I do a stupid dance at the same time - too stupid at this time to describe).

2. Drink strange and foreign beer bought from my favourite shop Lidl.

3. Compare peeling wallpaper off to the time when you got badly burnt, to almost a crisp one summer and wads of skin would peel off, and you did this with some strange satisfaction.

4. Talk to the cat as if it is a real person, while the G-man keeps shouting from the kitchen or where ever 'what? what did you say? are you talking to me?'

5. Get sticky wet wallpaper bits stuck to bits of me without actually knowing how I have done this.

All in all a facinating and insightful experience.


phishez said...

I don't get why people are so gung ho to get carpets. They smell, are hard to clean, and grab hold of every piece of dust and allergen in your environment.

Steph said...

I helped my brother do this once. I lasted about twenty minutes before I ran away.
Kudos to you for sticking it out.

Sakura said...

redcap - I know tell me about, those psycho bitches would have my heid on a stake !

phishez - nope, no carpet for me, although it is bloody cold here so i think big rugs might be in order.

steph - thanks for the kudos, i now have the G-man doing the rest as i am officially incapacitated, several stitches in my right shoulder, yep the stepford wives found out and hunted me down.