Sunday 22 April 2007

A Wet Week

This past week has been mega crap - oh no here we go again, another blogger whinging about how crap their life is - oh woe is me!! It's not that bad really, I could be lying in intensive care fighting for my life, don't worry I have already put things into perspective. I just wanted to vent ... my anger and complete dismay at the lengths people will go to start rumours.
Rumours, they're a funny thing, and living in a small rural area in the UK has opened my eyes to this. I have never met such small minded, intensely nosey curtain twitches in my life. I am sure it is the same the world over, but I'm the type of person who doesn't give a rats arse who is doing who or what, just get on with it.
So having never experienced anything like this in my life, you can imagine my shock when I found out that there were not 1 but 2 rumours cruising around the village about little ol' me. I didn't realise that I was so super cool that people just had to talk about me over their tea and scones whilst watching afternoon talk show television. Must be because I'm a foreigner and therefore they feel threatened by my presence here, don't know why I am not and I repeat not interested in their men, I'm a happily married woman. OK so I'm a big flirt, who loves to drink tequila and act like a 17 year old on acid when I'm out - big deal !
First I was upset, then I got angry, now I think I will just play around with their little fantasies, they obviously have such vapid little lives that they have nothing better to do then talk about someone they don't know about. Guess it is better than molesting the sheep!
Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh.
What was it that Oscar Wilde said "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about"
Now that makes me feel better, I'm going to make myself a nice cup of tea.

1 comment:

redcap said...

Woo! First comment on a new blog!

I hope that they're outrageous rumours, at least. Sylvia used to tell me that if I ever heard any rumours about myself, I should say, "Yes, that's true", no matter how outrageous, just because you couldn't possibly be doing everything people thought you were. Chin up, though - small town people are like that.