Sunday, 28 November 2010

Missing In Action

Well hey, hi ! it's been a while. Yes I've been missing in action and since my last menial post in 2007 a shit load has happened in my life. The 4 biggest things being in this particular order ...
1. Had a baby girl called Sophia on the 3rd of July 2009
2. Got pregnant AGAIN ! (holy crap)
3. Moved back to Australia
4. Had baby number two Evelyn on the 22nd of Sept 2010

So there you have it. I've been so busy doing possibly the hardest job in the world and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I think I'm doing an ok job - I guess only time will tell and I can only hope that I don't pass on too many psychological defects to my two beautiful girls. I suppose I turned out ok .. .. .. all things considered. You haven't met my parents, there is plenty of crazy that could have been passed on to me trust me, so I'm just filtering it down to my girls.

It's been such a long time since I have put pen to paper and to be completely honest I haven't had the time, energy or the inclination to write. The muse has clean gone and left me, sleep deprivation may have something to do with it and the complete lack of a life - I don't think nappy changing, breast feeding, baby sick and more nappy changing constitutes a life do you? They say it doesn't last forever, but when your in the middle of it, it feels like an eternity. Don't get me wrong I love my two girls, wouldn't have it any other way but there are days, no weeks when I feel like absolute crap and leaving the house is just not an option due to the crappiness that I feel.

This is just a brief post at this stage, just to let you know that yes I am still alive and kicking and I have plenty to write about.

peace out y'all xx

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